GI Lymphoma Test Kit for Cats and Dogs
Gastrointestinal (GI) disease
Differentiating GI Lymphoma from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) continues to be a challenge in many patients, especially cats. When ultrasound is suggestive and biopsy is not an option, alternative pathways to diagnosis are needed. The development of the  GI Lymphoma Panel was aimed at improving the detection of small cell LSA and better separating groups for better sensitivity and specificity in the GI differential.
Biomarker Overview
GI Lymphoma Panel is a 4 biomarker panel, 3 of which (along with age) are integrated into the primary diagnostic algorithm: Neoplasia Index. The markers are:
- Thymidine Kinase Type 1Â (TK1): DNA Proliferation Marker
- Haptoglobin (HPT):Â Inflammatory Marker for cats / C-Reactive Protein (CRP): Inflammatory Marker for dogs.
- Cobalamin (B12):Â Essential Vitamin affected by and affecting GI IBD/LSA
- Folate:Â Essential Vitamin involved in DNA synthesis
TK1, an enzyme responsible for the production of thymidine during cell division, is a proliferation marker of dysregulated replication – a hallmark of cancer. When cell cycles become disrupted/abnormal the TK1 salvage pathway is triggered. In LSA, TK1 values can get exceedingly high.
Cancer is an inflammatory disease. When inflammation is present, cancer may be the cause of that inflammation. The major systemic marker of inflammation in cats is Haptoglobin (HPT) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs.Â
Cobalamin is an essential vitamin that plays a number of crucial roles – among them, DNA synthesis. When B12 deficiency exists, cell cycles are incomplete/abnormal resulting in the activation of the TK1 salvage pathway, up-regulating TK1 expression.
 Why use the GI Lymphoma Panel?
- Application specific Neoplasia Index resulting in better Sensitivity/Specificity, especially with Small Cell LSA.
- Indicates if LSA is more likely: Large Cell, Small Cell, or Thoracic.
- B12/Folate report provides additional information on status of the GI tract.
- In absence, or in place of biopsy, the GI Lymphoma Panel can provide a diagnosis.
- Detailed lab reports give you insight to disease and GI status.