animalEO AWAY Ready to Use Essential Oils 5ml
A perfect Ready To Use blend for the support of itchy ears due to insects and repelling insects. Diluted for convenient and safe use, NOT FOR DIFFUSION. Away RTU drops contain several unique ingredients that increase its ability to eliminate odors and repel insects:
- Eucalyptus citriodora (also called Lemon Eucalyptus) is an essential oil from Australia, which carries well known constituents that repel insects, including PMD (p-Menthane 3,8 diol).
- Catnip oil is also showing great interest in the world of insect repellents, however both essential oils carry properties that are rivaling DEET!
Ingredients: Fractionated Coconut Oil, Essential Oils of Eucalyptus citriodora, Catnip (Nepeta cataria), Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), Lemon Tea Tree (Leptospermum petersonii), Copaiba Oleoresin (Copaifera officinalis)
5ml bottle
Directions for use:
Dogs: A main reason to use Away RTU Drops on dogs, is for insect repelling support. Dogs do not have ear mites as often as cats, in fact it is pretty uncommon (unless they are exposed in poor conditions or rescue). So for the most part, we are talking fleas, ticks, mosquitoes… Right before dogs go outside, apply several drops via Petting, to all the main areas of concern.
Remember, Away RTU Drops are not for diffusion as they have coconut oil within them!
For the Petting Technique – place 3-5 drops (or more) of Away RTU Drops into your hands, rub them together until a light coating remains, then pet onto the areas of need. For insects, rub around the “ankle” area of dogs, since ticks will often contact this area first, as they start to climb up the legs. Also rub down the legs, around the neck, shoulders, rump area, and back.
Cats: For most cats, use of Away RTU Drops will be to the ears twice a day. Please make sure you have worked with a veterinarian to accurately diagnose ear mites – generally with an ear smear evaluation – as some itchy and dirty ears can be a result of food intolerance in cats. To be most effective, we recommend applying twice a day to the ears for at least 7-10 days. Then, you can re-evaluate the burden of mites with your veterinarian, and see if it is appropriate to reduce application frequency to every 1-3 days until all mites are eliminated by the body.
Away RTU Drops can be used in a petting method to apply to cats in general as well.
Since 2015, Away RTU Drops have been used to support all sorts of animal species with itchy ears due to ear mites, and other annoying insects. The kittens ranged in age from 2 months to 4 months of age at the start of the study. We found Away RTU Drops to be highly effective, and did not produce additional irritation to the ears (keep in mind, most ears that have an ear mite infestation are already quite irritated and inflamed).